IDC’s Aron Cory discusses how agriculture producers are collecting and sharing data will increase efficiency, lower costs, and reduce waste.
At its core, market intelligence helps organizations understand their customers, competitors, and markets better, and…
IDC’s Thomas Shuster unpacks how trusted capital markets of tomorrow rests on the successful co-adoption of cloud, DLT, BPaas and other technologies.
Organizations in all industries are struggling to attract talent. The shortage of potential employees is a problem that has plagued the IT sector for years but has possibly never been worse than it is now. In this blog IDC explores opportunities for dealing with this shortage.
Many SMBs do not have a deep well of reserves to sustain their businesses for years during tough economic times. And that makes it critical for them to apply technology smartly and zero in on efficiency, cost savings, productivity and automation—and fast—to weather today’s economic storms.