AI PCs in the Spotlight at IFA 2024 Sales Planning: Uncovering Blind Spots and Eliminating the “Swivel Chair Effect” Data Centers and Our Climate The Intertwining Digital Economy What’s Impacting Tech Buying in the Digital Economy AI Helps Field Service Focus on Customer Value Hire for Potential, Not for Skills  Drowning in Data for Want of Information: Is Data Minimization Really Possible?  Nailing Jello to the Wall: Can You Really Measure and Manage Enterprise Tech Debt? 

Achieving an open, shared approach with partners is not easy: data, applications, operations, and capital (human, assets, and financial) for every organization are disparate of course; business processes are disconnected; and security protocols and systems are not unified. The future of industry ecosystems — an expansion of ecosystem partners that organizations must work with in support of any situation, whether innovation, product or service change, dynamic demand, or unexpected disruption — is rapidly progressing as the new way of working.