AI PCs in the Spotlight at IFA 2024 Sales Planning: Uncovering Blind Spots and Eliminating the “Swivel Chair Effect” Data Centers and Our Climate The Intertwining Digital Economy What’s Impacting Tech Buying in the Digital Economy AI Helps Field Service Focus on Customer Value Hire for Potential, Not for Skills  Drowning in Data for Want of Information: Is Data Minimization Really Possible?  Nailing Jello to the Wall: Can You Really Measure and Manage Enterprise Tech Debt? 

The changing landscape of enterprise technology partnerships is reshaping success metrics, highlighting the impact of indirect value and demand generation. Tech vendors are adapting by focusing on understanding the nuanced effects of evolving partner activities across customer lifecycles, emphasizing the importance of examining both internal and external partnership dynamics.

The popularity of industry clouds has surged with the entry of major cloud and software vendors, offering vertically integrated solutions with built-in compliance for industry-specific regulations, saving organizations time and costs. When adopting industry clouds, consider the tips from over a decade of IDC research to optimize your investment, drawing from insights from both buyers and vendors in the field.