Explore the innovative technologies, including AI and 5G, being used to combat COVID-19 with IDC’s Chris Kanthan.
COVID-19 has changed retail consumers’ behaviors and expectations. Explore the changes and see how retailers can adapt with IDC’s Jordan Speer.
Navigate the current crisis with these Sourcing and Procurement recommendations for IT markets worldwide from Aaron Polikaitis.
Explore how COVID-19 is and will continue to affect professional and managed security services spend with IDC’s Christina Richmond and Curtis Price.
Explore the challenges that IT vendors need to overcome & the opportunities to support their business partners through COVID-19 with Sharath Srinivasamurthy.
Explore the challenges of ensuing cyber resiliency in work from home environments & learn what to consider when extending endpoint security with Michael Suby.
Explore 2019’s total outsourcing contracts and see what those trends will look like in the face of an ever-evolving global economy with IDC’s Xiao-Fei Zhang.
For several weeks now numerous media outlets have been publishing articles related to remote work on topics from technology to etiquette to preventing feelings of isolation (virtual happy hour anyone?) But how ready are we for this “new normal”?
In what used to be the IDC Life Science Insights team (now part of the broader IDC Health Insights team), we have brought together seasoned industry professionals who are charged with researching and reporting how technology and innovation is driving organizational strategies within the life science industry.