Have you noticed how often we reference maps, floor plans or other location and geospatial tools in our everyday lives?…
Organizations in all industries are struggling to attract talent. The shortage of potential employees is a problem that has plagued the IT sector for years but has possibly never been worse than it is now. In this blog IDC explores opportunities for dealing with this shortage.
As an emerging tech vendor, you know that it can be a struggle to use content marketing to create brand…
Agile promises self-organizing development teams but most organizations struggle to manage their teams in an Agile way of working.
IDC’s Serge Findling details the findings from IDC’s new, 2022 CIO Sentiment Survey and unlocks critical strategies for CIOs to thrive in such a turbulent time.
When IT departments traditionally have trouble demonstrating their value to organizations, there are ways to for IT to show that they are more than a cost center.
Cloud technology offers organizations ease of use, flexibility, scalability, and a rich set of services for their digital transformation. But the cost to enable cloud technology is often more than expected, causing organizations to exceed their budgets.
IDC’s Joe Pucciarelli provides three actionable steps for digital leaders to consider as they tune their organizations to create balance amidst the geopolitical, economic, and social volatility being experienced worldwide.
Agile pitfalls can negatively impact the full value of Agile. Where the business once asked, ‘Why does IT take so long to do everything?’ they might say, ‘Why has development become unpredictable and difficult to budget and forecast?’