AI PCs in the Spotlight at IFA 2024 Sales Planning: Uncovering Blind Spots and Eliminating the “Swivel Chair Effect” Data Centers and Our Climate The Intertwining Digital Economy What’s Impacting Tech Buying in the Digital Economy AI Helps Field Service Focus on Customer Value Hire for Potential, Not for Skills  Drowning in Data for Want of Information: Is Data Minimization Really Possible?  Nailing Jello to the Wall: Can You Really Measure and Manage Enterprise Tech Debt? 

As the region with the largest share of global tech spend, North America—including the United States and Canada—is a critical geo for tech vendors to nail down. Competing in this region means you must operate at economies of scale to afford competitive price points and offer solutions that meet needs both broad and niche. With nearly 20 cents of every global dollar spent on tech moving through North America’s indirect channels, achieving and maintaining desired performance levels here requires a balance of vendor-direct and ecosystem sales.  

Generative AI has simultaneously captured the attention, imagination, and concern of most tech and business leaders across the world. However, as these technologies become front and center of conversations in the technology industry and beyond, the underlying question being asked by the market is: how do organizations derive value in a meaningful and accelerated fashion?

Business people, one in a suit, others dressed casually, engaged in discussion around a table full of data reports.

As a sales leader or salesperson, your success in closing deals depends on your ability to influence outcomes by guiding potential buyers from their current mindset to one where they believe your solution addresses their problem. Having extensive data about the company you are prospecting, their customers, partners, competitors, and broader market context enhances your knowledge and ability to connect with your audience.