
multiplied innovation


IDC has seen a rising buyer interest in cloud app-centric platforms and the agility that the cloud affords. Recently at the IDC Directions 2019 conference, IDC presented on Multiplied Innovation: Scaling a Technology Revolution outlining new technologies that innovate at scale which underpin the growth of cloud applications into the future. This trend is reflected in many traditional Enterprise Content Management applications found in the IDC Market Glance: Content-Centric Workflow Ecosystem transitioning to cloud content apps to meet this growing demand.

Somewhere along the way of the marketing campaigns and the market hype, the industry has forgotten why we are digitally transforming and what it means. If we rewind, traditional organizations are being disrupted by digital startups; they are seeking ways to innovate more rapidly, be customer-centric, harness data to generate insights at scale, and ultimately transform their operations to compete in the digital economy.

As 3rd Platform technologies continue to expand and evolve, businesses will need to continue to develop their digital transformation strategies to better provide customers the digital services and experiences they expect. Enterprise organizations are taking note; in the next two years, the number of “Digitally determined” organizations with a fully integrated enterprise-wide technology architecture will grow from 33% to nearly 90%. These organizations are committed from moving from an era of experimentation to multiplied innovation, the second chapter of IDC’s 3rd Platform technology framework.